That was just one (the Washington Post’s) of an interesting range of headlines about the latest Pew Internet & American Life study about US 12-to-17-year-olds online. The Post’s reporter blogged about how “teens continue to lead the pack in creating content on the Web.” The San Jose Mercury News reported that “More teens move their social lives online.” The Associated Press and USATODAY took the boy-bites-dog angle – that good, ol’-fashioned (land-line) phones and face-to-face conversation are still valued by US teens communicating with friends. Internet News zoomed in on the “super-communicators” part: “Representing 28% of teenagers, super-communicators are those kids who use every technology to communicate that is available to them, including landlines and cell phones, social-networking sites, text messaging, instant messaging and, as a last resort, email.” The study was picked up internationally, of course, including in Mumbai, India, at the TechShout blog. Here are some key findings:
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