X-rated Web content will probably always be on the Web, but it has some serious competition now, reportedly. “Web traffic attracted by social network sites such as MySpace and Facebook has begun to rival porn sites in recent months,” the Toronto Star reports, citing research from traffic measurer Hitwise. But as a blogger at WebProNews suggests, that may not be the good news that it appears to be: “Does the fact that I have 15 social-networking accounts, mean that I represent 15 unique visitors?… Most social-networking sites have free membership. It’s also an ‘incentive’ to create tons of accounts, and only use one or two services. Does the report factor that some spam marketers are creating millions of MySpace and other accounts for spam purposes? Well, if it does, I wouldn’t be surprised that social networking is ‘overtaking’ porn sites!” The Economist suggests that porn has just shifted more to the file-sharing networks and reports that 30% of transactions on Second Life relate to sex or gambling.
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