The story of a high school assistant principal accused of possessing child pornography in a student sexting incident illustrates how unjustly child porn law can be applied. Even in the current “environment of prosecutorial excess, [this] case [of a 60-year-old former Fullbright exchange teacher, Peace Corps volunteer, and 30-year veteran educator] stands out as likely the first to entangle an adult who came in possession of an image that even police admit wasn’t pornographic, and who did so simply in the course of doing his job,” Wired blogger Kim Zetter reports. He “spent $150,000 and a year of his life defending himself in a … legal nightmare triggered by a determined county prosecutor and nurtured by a growing hysteria over technology-enabled child porn at America’s schools.” It’s a long, complicated story, so pls go to Zetter’s post for the details, but she reports that a Virginia judge finally through the case out of court on March 31.
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