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Welcome! To subscribe, click here. This is an index to issues of the 2007 weekly newsletter through August 3, when editor Anne Collier switched to blogging format to record her 10-month international online-safety tour. For previous years, see complete archives of 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, and 1999 (please be advised that some of the source links in previous years' issues have expired). For help in searching this journal-of-record on kids & technology, click here.
Aug. 10
Students on the social Web - key study from NSBA ; Congress's Net-safety push; 'Dating 2.0'; Hacks in social sites; Friends on phones; More polite in virtual worlds?; Jailtime for film clip?; Canadians' digital connections.... Aug. 3
Sex offenders on MySpace - some context; 'Mean streets' online; Hotline for Oz; Global socializing; Facebook & ID theft; Disney gets penguins; Tune downloading unabated; Videogaming on TV.... July 27
Juvenile sex offenders & Net registries; Web video hot; Personal, pro lives online; Socializing worldwide; Kid communities; People-tracking phones; MP3 Barbie; Oxford fines Facebookers; Rating teachers ok in Germany.... July 20
Online victimization - facts emerging; Requests for teens' sex photos; Teens' tech use; 'Sock-puppeting'; Teen prostitue ads; Future businesspeople; 'Falling rocks'; myNBC; Teens choosing vinyl; Local cyberbullying.... July 13
Beating cyberbullying; Dad-created teen social site; Porn-focused social sites; Stickam porn ties; Monitoring kid phone use; Alleged illegal plans in virtual word; Libraries as teen hangouts; Kids' ed sites; Game console news.... July 6
MySpace's call for parent software testers; Social stuff taking over Web; Social Web's class divide; Teens' videogaming time; Teen news editor; Facebook's growth spurt; 5 good tips for parents; Sib found in MySpace; Infected game mod.... June 29
Key cyberbullying study; 96% social networking; 'Videogame addiction' update; Teen pleads guilty; Web video duel; Mom sues RIAA; Videogame controversy; Teens' digital story; China's videogame sweatshops.... June 22
Online parenting tools - new book; Study on kids' media; Tragic grooming case; Global child porn network busted; Drug-dealing on Web; Peaceful videogames; Parent gamers; Job interviews in 2nd Life; Bad no. on game disk.... June 15
'Stalking' - new fact of life?; Cellphone safety; AMA on 'game addiction'; Videogame league; Online spin control; TX sex offender arrests; Employers search social sites; Outfitting penguins; Bullying made easy; FBI fights 'zombies'.... June 8
'Growing up in public'; Real-time mobile dating; MySpace seeks court's help; Online parole violations; Parenting with profiles?; Hanging out with Sprite?; Virtual economy; LiveJournal's mass deletion; Net hurts porn industry.... June 1
Extreme cyberbullying - 2 cases; Overexposed teen; Facebook's big plans; Mis-labeled as sex offender; AGs' 'pr campaign'; Non-private pasts; New phishing ploy; Household screentime; Social-computing studies.... May 25
MySpace & AGs agree; P2P risks study; Kids' summer screentime; SN training wheels; Barbie vs. penguins; Spam a fact of life?; Teen texting costs; Social Web's complexity; Classified-ads abuse; Videogames, boys, 'muscularity'.... May 18
Profile of a teen online victim; MySpace & AGs; Kids verified?; Cough-med abuse; Online food marketing; Technically a sex offender; Piracy genie; Web on phones; Cell vs. landline; Facebook's classifieds; Prince Web.... May 11
Consult 'Cyber-Safe Kids...'; Study on Web 2.0 & teens; Verification legislation; Suicide prevention; Superintendent dissed; Hacker posts threats; 'Tourists' & 'natives'; Parents use ratings; Child porn in 2nd Life; Social-site rankings.... May 4
Read 'Totally Wired'; Closer look at phone socializing; Obama's MySpace; Protecting ears; Schools ban music players; CyberTipline; Disney's social site for tweens; Hurricanes in 2nd Life; Lawsuit over MySpace photo.... April 27
Fresh videogame findings; Facebook's 'Twitter' traits; Social sites beat porn traffic?; Predator in phone chat; Moving to Vista; AIM's buddy tracking; 5,000 calls to his cellphone.... April 20
Irresponsible social sites; MySpace's latest contact points; Teen social safety practices; FTC media study; Net comms at VT; Social networkers' good thinking; YouTube winners; Highly mobile child porn; 2 great child-safety updates.... April 13
Proposed site-labeling law; Principals sue; Call for better manners; Facebook's facelift; Kids' virtual-world take-aways; Tween-site interest; Web 2.0 advertising.... April 6
Social networking meets virtual worlds; Dot-xxx nixed; Social mapping, Google-style, UK's cyberbullied teachers; Phones as life's 'remotes'?; MPAA's college black list; Phone for tweens; Kid phone fashionistas.... March 30
The widgets phenom; 'Think before u post'; 1 in 6 self-injure; Call to stop cyberbullying; Online video stars; 'Distributed friendship'; 2nd Life to Spore; P2P settlements; Multitasking's limits; Parochial school bans MySpace.... March 23
Social Web's 'Lifeline'; COPA decision; YouTube competition; Today's digital divide; 'Video Game Decency Act'; Students expelled; Photography morphing; Pinpointing IM-ers; ClubPenguin's cheats; Filipinos' Friendster.... March 16
Predators & cyberbullies - reality check; Police on the social Web; Bulk cellphone calls; Cyberthieves; Viacom v. online teens?; High-profile child-porn conviction; 15-year-old charged; SN news bits.... March 9
Mini-MySpaces; Age verification in CT?; MySpace's CSO; Sex-offender law in NJ?; Narcissism & SN?; Social norms on social Web; PS3 upgrade; Parent-child Net safety talk; Porn spam decline; Self ad sales; DOJ & photo-sharers.... March 2
Eating disorders & Web 2.0: Stickam.com; Teen gadget-resellers; 'Social intelligence'; NJ court on bullying; Gates family's rules; Supremes on child-porn case; YouTube banned in Oz; Job search & Web 2; Wireless Web-sters; Teaching tech to K-6.... Feb. 23
ZEBO.com reviewed; Study on teen talk tools; School violence averted?; Social-networking 9-1-1; States consider cyberbullying laws; Social training wheels; From SN to 'life'?; Breaking up on YouTube; Gamer raters wanted.... Feb. 16
Teens' child-porn convictions upheld; 2 new safety projects; Teen dating abuse hotline; IL's proposed SN ban; Court dismisses MySpace suit; For the videocam; Teacher's porn conviction; Mobile socializing data; Social media in biz.... Feb. 9
Kids' exposure to porn; Child-porn bust; Facebook & a sex scam; Facebook video on TV; Teen video viewing; Web 2.0 for indie film; Video ringtone-sharing; 1m students online; Teaching digital commuters; UK registry?; Steve Jobs on DRM.... Feb. 2
Mobile social networking; National sex offender registry; Ethics in tech class?; School phone bans; YouTube as police tool; YouTube & Viacom; YouTube shares; Safer Internet Day; Do-it-yourself social sites; Nick's virtual world; Habbo on safety.... Jan. 26
Teens' fight video - closer look; Dispelling myths; Media shift; 'Generation We'; Unrestricted Net music?; 'Storm worm'; MySpace news; EU on violent games; Kid-TV curbs; Students on SN; Winning social sites; BBC's kid virtual world.... Jan. 19
MySpace's software for parents; Will MySpacers leave?; Pinpointing peers; Families sue MySpace; A cop on SN; Cyberbullies charged; Teen file-sharer ordered to pay; GPS phones & parents; Adults embellishing too; More Vista views.... Jan. 12
Responsible socializing - research; iPod to iPhone; Disney's 'MySpace'?; Vista's parental controls; Zombie threat growing; MySpace international; Social networking in UK; 'Anti-social networking'; Slightly older networkers; Disconnectors.... Jan. 5
The social-engineering problem/solution; MySpace safety study; 2nd-gen SN; 'Dear everybody'; Game parental controls; Social networking unleashed; Virtual press meeting; SN about health; Apple worms; Digital music update.... The Net Family Newsletter is produced weekly by editor and parent Anne Collier. The newsletter is intended to keep fellow parents and all supporters of online kids informed of the latest child-relevant developments concerning the Internet and related technologies. It is distributed via email, blog, and RSS feed, as well as on this Web site. Subscribe now (just below) and find out what's affecting the Web-users at your house and school. Thanks!
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