Our family may be unusual, but in our case the LeapPad latptop-like system was more for us than for our son. He played with it on his own about three times and that was the end of it. We didn’t feel inclined to force it on him, though I suspect most parents would justifiably want more of a return on their investment. Judging from this Washington Post piece, the same may not be true for the Leapster and Dylan, 5, and Anna, 8, who tested this newer, Gameboy-like product by LeapFrog for their mother, Post writer Hope Katz Gibbs. They liked it, is seems, but it’s not clear whether or not they were playing with it of their own accord, and Hope suggests the jury will be out until more (educational) games are available for it. We’d love to hear your family’s experiences with these extremely popular LeapFrog products, experiences which I have a feeling will confirm my family’s in the minority. The address, of course, is feedback@netfamilynews.org.
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