“I was equally surprised and shocked that without paying a dime my child could access porn that is way, way beyond Playboy,” writes Michelle, a subscriber of our newsletter, “including under-age, incest, animal images, among other things. It is disturbing for me, but how does a child process this stuff? Do they understand the extremes and how do they reconcile these images with real life relationships requiring respect and love?….
“I’d like to caution other parents that my discovery and reprimanding did not end the situation. It took tenacity and a lot of further talks to get through to my (straight-A, conscientious) son. Just as he learned how to access these sites from his friends, he also learned ways to get around the filters. I soon realized I could not keep up with my extremely tech-literate child.” Click here to find out how this wise mom dealt with this parenting challenge.
Another mother’s email started this string, sparking an article in my 4/30 issue about kids using search engines. Post or send in your own experience or comments. Fellow parents’ stories can be very helpful!
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