Now MySpace users can do what amounts to live video blogging. As CNET explains, direct video-uploading means “you can now sit in front of your Webcam, navigate to MySpace, and hit a ‘record’ button, blab on incessantly about how the Jonas Brothers are ruining American youth, and you’ve got yourself a piece of Web video.” YouTube and other video-sharing sites have this too, but “the real advantage” where MySpace is concerned is that these little video blog posts can be embedded in your profile and comments and pointed out in bulletins to friends, CNET says. The online-safety aspect of this is that users might make a nasty verbal slip about someone or reveal some intimate part of their thinking or anatomy and …. well, guys, this is a live recording. I think it can be deleted (and not embedded) later, but that’s something every user will want to check out in advance, right?
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