The "Cambridge Analytica scandal," as seen in so many headlines, is giving way to a more thoughtful – and crucial – international discussion about not only data privacy but an even bigger question: where our social development is at this point in the planet's technological development, the part we call the Internet. Here are a few thoughts on that and, below them, links to coverage that I feel … [Read more...] about Social media’s next phase: A new social contract?
Digital citizenship’s missing piece
At the end of a long, thoughtful conversation on stage in Chautauqua, N.Y., last fall, public radio host Krista Tippett asked millennial author and commentator Nathan Schneider, "What makes you despair and what gives you hope?" His answer to both parts of the question focused on agency – the capacity to act, learn by doing and make change. "I think the sense of despair I feel comes from … … [Read more...] about Digital citizenship’s missing piece
The trust factor in parenting online kids
A new study indicates that a lot of parents who monitor their kids online and on phones do so without their children knowing it. The study – "The Online Generation Gap," just released by the Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI) – found that 70% of parents check the text messages on their teens' phones, while only 30% of the teens are aware they do, and 84% of parents monitor their teens' Web use, … [Read more...] about The trust factor in parenting online kids
Peering thoughtfully through this window into our kids’ lives
Back in 2005, a friend in Massachusetts referred to his daughters' constant instant messaging (remember that?!) as "a window into their lives that I wouldn't have otherwise. [My daughter] leaves her computer on a table beside my desk, and I get to watch a bunch of this stuff happening. Sort of like me working while she and a friend talk right inside her open bedroom door while I am working on the … [Read more...] about Peering thoughtfully through this window into our kids’ lives
A film I *hope* won’t have much impact
Brace yourselves, people. "Trust" is coming to a theater near you. As the first comment under the trailer in YouTube put it, "To Catch a Predator The Movie?" I've only seen the trailer of David Schwimmer's film, but I've been watching the blogosphere about it since last fall, frankly in a little bit of denial, because it worries me greatly. I didn't even want to draw to it the teeny bit of … [Read more...] about A film I *hope* won’t have much impact