Although the victim is usually the focus in discussions about the impacts of social cruelty, everybody involved in it feels some pain or distress, research shows. Two recent studies offer fresh insights into the impacts on bystanders, both those who witness cruel behavior and those who feel compelled to participate. First the latter, from the University of Rochester. "When people bend to … [Read more...] about Hurting others hurts us: Study
Wisdom about bullying from a former target
There's probably no better testimony to the power of social-emotional learning than this UK student's poem about what happens to the "bully" when victimizing someone else (don't miss this 1:25 min. video of Garrett reading his poem). Garrett was a student at New Line Learning Academy in Maidstone, Kent, UK, when he read this poem in 2011 (he may still be, since it's a school for students aged … [Read more...] about Wisdom about bullying from a former target
A techie dad’s perspective on school
The subhead of this post might be: "Writing code as an extracurricular activity" or Venturebeat's headline, "Why your 8-year-old should be coding," or just "Let them learn code!" Another article about Harvard undergrads' extracurricular code-writing activity shows how that activity can enrich a whole lot of lives as well as open up careers for young code writers, but I'll get to that in a minute. … [Read more...] about A techie dad’s perspective on school
Designing students: Check out these contests (learning opps)!
These are projects that get young people and classrooms participating in the digital maker movement: Current or aspiring videogame designers and videographers have about a month to submit their creations to three different contests: The National STEM Videogame Challenge, Whyville's game design contest, and Trend Micro's What's Your Story video producing contest. Design a videogame Videogame … [Read more...] about Designing students: Check out these contests (learning opps)!
Teachers on tech in US classrooms: Study
A recent survey by the Pew Internet Project shows how pervasive technology has become in American classrooms. "Laptops and desktops are central, but … mobile technology use has also become commonplace in the learning process," the Pew researchers write, adding that the 2,462 teachers surveyed feel "digital technologies have helped them in teaching their middle school and high school students in … [Read more...] about Teachers on tech in US classrooms: Study