I'm asking you, educators. EVOKE sounded amazing, when I heard it described by game designer Jane McGonigal on NPR's Science Friday the other day. The goal of this free social game is to "help empower people all over the world to develop creative solutions to urgent social problems" – beyond "mere" civic engagement to social problem-solving. Of course EVOKE isn't the only social-media teaching … [Read more...] about Can this be played in school? Please?
Pew Internet
Study shows Net supports civic engagement
Certainly "clicktivism" isn't the all of social activism – it's a complement to it – but it's clear the Internet is an increasingly important support to civic engagement in this country, a just-released Pew/Internet survey shows. According to Pew's report, 75% of US adults are active in some kind of voluntary group, and 80% of those who use the Net are (compared with 56% of non-Internet users). … [Read more...] about Study shows Net supports civic engagement
Digital citizenship the ‘killer app’: How
Elaborating on my comments last week at the annual Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI) conference in Washington, D.C. (11/10/10).... Digital citizenship is the killer app of online safety – if (big if) we don't complicate it too much. A big if because those of us who did not grow up in the current media environment (the ones who create terms like this and implement programs around them) tend … [Read more...] about Digital citizenship the ‘killer app’: How
Top tech gadgets for Americans 18+: Study
Americans definitely like their technology mobile. Cellphones are the US's most popular gadget, according to a just-released study by the Pew Internet & American Life Project, with 85% of Americans 18+ and 75% of US teens owning one. Among all the gadgets covered in the Pew survey, the desktop computer was the only non-mobile one. It came in second, with 59% of US adults owning one, but with … [Read more...] about Top tech gadgets for Americans 18+: Study
All things video: Key feature of online life
Video-making, -sharing, and -viewing are huge and growing online and on-phone activities, so much so that they're now just part of our media landscape. ComScore just released its mind-boggling July figures, with the Top 5 video-viewing and -sharing destinations being Google sites (YouTube, basically) at 143.2 million viewers last month); Yahoo! sites at 55.4 million; Facebook at 46.6 million; … [Read more...] about All things video: Key feature of online life