After I wrote "The trust factor in parenting online kids," I read an insightful commentary by parent, author, and professor Lynn Schofield Clark in Psychology Today – "Disciplining Teens for Online Mistakes" – which touches on monitoring as well as the issue of parenting in public that I wrote about recently too. We definitely resonate, but Lynn is a scholar, writing a neutral piece that describes … [Read more...] about Parenting or (digital) public humiliation?
Lynn Schofield Clark
Peering thoughtfully through this window into our kids’ lives
Back in 2005, a friend in Massachusetts referred to his daughters' constant instant messaging (remember that?!) as "a window into their lives that I wouldn't have otherwise. [My daughter] leaves her computer on a table beside my desk, and I get to watch a bunch of this stuff happening. Sort of like me working while she and a friend talk right inside her open bedroom door while I am working on the … [Read more...] about Peering thoughtfully through this window into our kids’ lives