It's fitting that the last day of a bullying prevention conference focusing on empathy, kindness and resilience happened to be Election Day 2016. Whether or not they were thinking about it, some 750 educators, students, researchers and practitioners together capped off possibly the most divisive, indecent, relationally challenged presidential election season in our history by modeling and … [Read more...] about IBPA 2016: Focus on the positive
Real help for kids dealing with cyberbullying
It was an epiphany that turned into a theme for me at the annual conference of the International Bullying Prevention Association this week. It was a theme by the third day, when I heard keynote speaker Carlotta Walls-Laprier say, "I knew who I was." She, one of the Little Rock Nine (the African American students who made history in 1957 as the first to attend then-all-white Central High School in … [Read more...] about Real help for kids dealing with cyberbullying
Takeaways from premier US anti-bullying conference
This Thanksgiving week in the US, I'm thankful to have heard the following from two outstanding researchers and a well-known author in the bullying prevention field speaking at the just-ended International Bullying Prevention Association's (IBPA's) annual conference in San Diego: "We don't talk enough about the ecosystem around kids," said educational psychology professor Dorothy Espelage at … [Read more...] about Takeaways from premier US anti-bullying conference
Citizenship & social change: Insight from the IBPA
"Citizenship is relationship ... digital citizenship is relationship amplified," said Gary McDaniel, a clinical social worker for Morgan County School District in West Virginia, on a panel at the International Bullying Prevention Association's annual conference in New Orleans this week. I had the honor of kicking off this keynote panel, offering a little background on the discussion of digital … [Read more...] about Citizenship & social change: Insight from the IBPA
Notes from a conference on bullying
The only way really to change a school culture to one that's respectful and safe is to get everybody involved, and everybody has to include students, of course, because it's their school, their workplace and they represent the vast majority of the people there. "So how do we involve them?" I asked Stan Davis of the Youth Voice Project on a panel I was moderating at the International Bullying … [Read more...] about Notes from a conference on bullying