Cyberbullying is a serious problem that, according to research, is the most common online risk for young people, affecting about a quarter of US 13-to-17-year-olds. Schools and courts are struggling to figure out how to deal with student behavior that occurs off school grounds but can have such a disruptive, sometimes destructive, effect on school. All the discussion about the legal and First … [Read more...] about Clicks, cliques & cyberbullying, Part 2: Whole-school response is key
Social norming: SO key to online safety
I doubt the term "social norming" means much to most people, but it's actually common practice in family life, at school, and on sports teams. It's the cultural or behavioral norms we create to teach and model values and ethics for our children – showing up in statements like "we don't say 'hate' in this family" or "we respect the other team." Maybe because it's so second-nature, we don't often … [Read more...] about Social norming: SO key to online safety
Cellphone cos. & cyberbullying
It was a microcosm of the dynamic between government and industry where cyberbullying's concerned. The industry - in this case mobile-phone companies in Ireland - saying there is no technology that can stop phone-based bullying and lawmakers saying, "You could do more." Both are right, really. Bullying is a reality of growing up that long predates communications technology, but there's always … [Read more...] about Cellphone cos. & cyberbullying
Cyberbullying: Local view
A county official on Long Island made a public statement saying Suffolk County is working hard to "persuade parents to monitor for cyberbullying as aggressively as they would for sexual predators," Newsday reports. The county had pretty high-profile exposure to the problem late last year, when a video of a local teen girl being beaten up by three peers appeared on YouTube (see "Teens' fight … [Read more...] about Cyberbullying: Local view