Olivia Van Ledtje, just now 12, tells the story of giving a talk in a western Massachusetts elementary school auditorium that was packed with students and teachers from three school communities – when she was 10. She writes that, after her talk, the students wanted to ask “loads of one-of-a-kind kid questions – the kind I can never feel fully prepared to answer. “Luckily, the one-of-a-kind … [Read more...] about Spark Change: A book taking (digital) citizenship to a new level
Amanda Third
Digital wellness: What is, & isn’t, parody
“Social media seriously harms your mental health” goes the message on the back of smartphones ironically held in the perfectly manicured hands of super models and other social media influencers, two of whom get “hundreds of thousands of likes on nearly every photo they post to Instagram,” the Verge reports. The message is on the back of a clear plastic phone case that has gone viral but not … [Read more...] about Digital wellness: What is, & isn’t, parody
Digital youth: Honor ALL their rights
This is a pivotal year for children’s online safety and human rights. One important reason is the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child’s call for public comments to help it develop the first General Comment on the digital part of fulfilling children’s human rights. Those rights are extensive. There are 54 articles in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, falling into 3 categories labeled … [Read more...] about Digital youth: Honor ALL their rights
The state of global youth, digitally speaking: Research
There could be no better year-end wrap-up or gift for stakeholders in youth online safety worldwide than UNICEF's just-released "State of the World's Children…in a Digital World." In it are the latest research, stories and commentaries from multiple international perspectives, including, to its credit, those of young people in 26 countries. In addition to their views and practices, the report … [Read more...] about The state of global youth, digitally speaking: Research
6 takeaways from 20 years of Net safety: Part 2
Now that I've just passed the 20-year mark of writing about youth and digital media, I thought I'd share with you my top takeaways as a participant observer in the Internet safety space. Here's Part 1. Now the three chunks of Part 2: 4. It's individual, situational and contextual. Internet safety works best from the inside out, from the child out not the headlines in. I love the irony of … [Read more...] about 6 takeaways from 20 years of Net safety: Part 2