This was good to see: What looked like a truly anti-social media company, game developer Square Enix, saw irresponsibility for what it was and quickly reversed a stupid marketing decision. I'd like to take it as a sign that – in this very social media environment where users are co-producers with the providers of their media experiences – media companies and users alike will be increasingly wise … [Read more...] about Good move: Game company takes down cruel ad campaign
Digital citizenship in process: Notes from the Baku IGF
I'm sure we're all pretty aware that the Internet and social media are global, but do we think enough about how digital citizenship has to be global too, then – how, by definition, it's more a process than a static concept that can be taught? "Digital citizens" of all ages all over the world are co-creating this new sense of citizenship as we're collectively figuring out how best to use, shape, … [Read more...] about Digital citizenship in process: Notes from the Baku IGF
Parenting or (digital) public humiliation?
After I wrote "The trust factor in parenting online kids," I read an insightful commentary by parent, author, and professor Lynn Schofield Clark in Psychology Today – "Disciplining Teens for Online Mistakes" – which touches on monitoring as well as the issue of parenting in public that I wrote about recently too. We definitely resonate, but Lynn is a scholar, writing a neutral piece that describes … [Read more...] about Parenting or (digital) public humiliation?
The trust factor in parenting online kids
A new study indicates that a lot of parents who monitor their kids online and on phones do so without their children knowing it. The study – "The Online Generation Gap," just released by the Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI) – found that 70% of parents check the text messages on their teens' phones, while only 30% of the teens are aware they do, and 84% of parents monitor their teens' Web use, … [Read more...] about The trust factor in parenting online kids
Activist app developers:’s winners
The winning app developers of's "Don't Just Stand By" cyberbullying prevention contest not only received prize money but also serious professional mentoring: Timothy Mullican, 15, in Alabama, who has been writing code since he was in the 6th grade. The first-place winner, who aspires to being an information security specialist for government or the private sector, told Reachout … [Read more...] about Activist app developers:’s winners