My heart sinks when I see uncritical thinking in commentaries from Internet safety advocates about the media young people love – thinking that defaults (and contributes to a society-level default) to fear that new media's harmful and young users are either potential victims or up to no good. Take videogames, for example. We know that… "Videogame play is pervasive throughout our society," as … [Read more...] about The videogame discourse: Default to open-mindedness!
Cross-cultural in so many ways: Insights from ‘Digitally Connected’
It was a small but mighty gathering at Harvard's Berkman Center this week – mighty in diversity of geographical, personal and professional perspective (40% of the participants were from the global South). It was called "Digitally Connected," but it was about a more inclusive and, I think, more lasting, holistic sense of what "connected" means. It was co-organized by UNICEF and Harvard University's … [Read more...] about Cross-cultural in so many ways: Insights from ‘Digitally Connected’
From connected learning to P2P learning
With kids in your life, certainly you've heard of tutorials and instructional videos on YouTube. But of course they're not just for kids, and it's exciting to think about all the learning, from guitar lessons to algebra to DIY plumbing, that goes on all over the Web and mobile platform – self-directed, -customized and -paced learning. Tutorials are there for people to learn just about anything … [Read more...] about From connected learning to P2P learning
Continued downward trend in bullying & other violence for US youth
This is news that we could use more of: US 2-to-17-year-olds have been exposed to decreasing sexual victimization and violence, including bullying. Examining "50 types of violence that kids might witness or experience themselves," researchers at the University of New Hampshire and University of the South found "significant declines in kids' exposure to 27 types of violence and no significant … [Read more...] about Continued downward trend in bullying & other violence for US youth
Facebook’s new friend-tracking tool
Spontaneous get-togethers are now more possible than ever with Facebook's new Nearby Friends feature. You'd think parents could use it to see if their kids got where they said they were going, but Nearby Friends is only available to Facebook users aged 18+. And then it's "opt-in" – not on by default – so sharing location has to be a conscious for adults who use it, and they can only share with … [Read more...] about Facebook’s new friend-tracking tool